Saturday, June 2, 2012

From H❤me to R❤me

Wow. What a crazy day, or two days; I don’t really know what you call that. 
 Emma and I took off from Wichita with the hopes of an easy, fun, and restful trip… and God must have had other plans because that is the last thing we got!  Our flight from Wichita was delayed 40 minutes and we only had a 40 minute lay over in Minneapolis for our flight to Detroit.  So as soon as we touched down in Minneapolis we took off to gate F4 and realized we had one slight problem… we were at gate A.  So Emma and I took off sprinting through the airport waeving in and out of people.  Later Emma said, “That was just like in the movies!” After running from one end of the huge airport to the other we were informed we had missed the flight by four minutes! As the Italians would say <<Che Fortuna!>> (What luck) With a lot of pleading on our part they put us on a plane to the Netherlands which ended up a little more exciting than a trip to Detroit! 
Dinner and a Movie! -Emma
 After walking through the airport in the Netherlands, Emma and I concluded that we should have planned to stay a night there!! I ragazzi sono molto bello!  But, instead, we got on another plane to Rome. Once we arrived and went to the baggage claim we found out our bags had not made the flight with us; they were still in Detroit!!  After a 15 hour trip that was the last thing we wanted to deal with! But we got it figured out and our bags should be arriving tomorrow morning at our hotel (or whatever you call this place we are staying)  We rode the train in to Rome from the airport and were very glad that it was day because the places around the station were a little sketchy!
 When we finally made it to our hotel a man asked us if we were staying in the hostel and we said that we were.  He told us to follow him and Emma looked at me as if to say, “Are we really going to follow him up there?!?”  But we did... and the people were very nice to us! We got to practice a lot of our Italian and realized how much we still have to learn! After we got settled, Emma and I explored Rome and kept saying to each other, “We are literally walking around Rome right now!” 

We saw some beautiful things and are excited for tomorrow and the rest of our sight seeing adventures! And on that note; Emma and I are headed to bed with the hopes of a night of sleep without the company of bedbugs!! 
Looking rough after a LONG two days

PS. WE TRIED OUR FIRST GELATO TODAY!! It was delicious and I look forward to many more to come!

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